BRIGANCE Early Childhood focuses on the skills that lead to school success.
Educators use our products for screening and assessment in early childhood. Our inventories assist with identifying potential delays and giftedness, supporting referrals for services, and planning individualized instruction.
Developmental Screens
Developmental screening provides a useful snapshot of a child’s development at a particular point in time. Quick, accurate screens that measure mastery of early development and academic skills can serve as the first step in assessing a child’s school readiness. Educators also use screening to readily identify potential developmental delays and giftedness and to plan for interventions.
Early Childhood Screens III and Data Sheets
The Early Childhood Screens III, available in three age-specific volumes, evaluate the key predictors of school success. Each screen takes approximately 10–15 minutes per child and allows for comparison of performance to the cutoff scores for delays and giftedness, as well as to the performance of same-age children. Examiners use one Data Sheet per child per screening. Our screening tools address the domains of Physical Development, Language Development, Academic Skills/Cognitive Development, and Self-help and Social-Emotional Skills.
To screen infants, toddlers, and two-year-olds, select the Early Childhood Screen III (0–35 months)
To screen three-, four-, and five-year-olds, select the Early Childhood Screen III (3–5 years)
To screen kindergartners and first graders, select the Early Childhood Screen III (K & 1)