Engaging Books, Lessons, and Science Experiments for Kids
Multilevel Science Content
Science A-Z offers a wealth of printable and projectable multilevel books, shorter texts, activity sheets, and supporting resources that develop students' reading skills, academic vocabulary, and scientific literacy. Students can also access their reading materials online through the interactive Kids A-Z eLearning environment.
Hands-On Learning
Science A-Z also provides a number of engaging activities, guided experiments, and open-ended projects designed to put core science concepts into practice. Each hands-on learning opportunity develops students' scientific understanding, key science practices, and important 21st century skills while using everyday materials.

Dyslexia Screening
i-Ready Oral Reading Fluency Assessments measure a series of critical data points that illustrate students’ proficiency and progress toward reaching the level of oral reading fluency appropriate for their grade. These benchmark and formative assessments provide oral reading fluency passages written to align with industry standards and scoring guidance.
Tools for Instruction
Included with the purchase of i-Ready Assessment, Tools for Instruction provide educators with in-the-moment resources for addressing skills gaps identified by the Diagnostic.
i-Ready Assessment is designed to illuminate student learning. It offers teachers the most accurate, most actionable data possible to help them guide their students toward continued growth. The intuitive reports from the adaptive i-Ready Diagnostic and i-Ready Standards Mastery help teachers make more informed decisions about whole class, small group, and individual instruction.
Science A-Z is a 2023 Edtech Awards Finalist
Best Product or Service
Best Science Solution